It - Complex Function Iteration

It Download and Installation

Installation instructions:

  1. Big Sur and newer: It version 3.1
  2. Catalina and older: It version 3.0
  3. Open the file InstallIt.dmg
  4. For version 3.1, drag into the /Applications folder.
  5. For version 3.0, ouble-click on the installer. The application will have been installed into ~/Applications/
  6. Profit!

You need to have command line tools installed on your Mac. When you first run It, you might be prompted. If you want to install them yourself, open a Terminal and type

xcode-select —install

To uninstall It, you will have to:

  1. Delete from ~/Applications
  2. Delete the directory ~/Library/Application Support/It

Notice that all personal files you create will be stored in ~/Library/Application Support/It